ADAM – Right on pitch, good body in tone, a fun song, great range as always; wonderfully done. I do wonder if he could sustain that kind of performance for an entire concert.
ANOOP – beautifully bright and open tone (forward position), securely on pitch, understood the words, has a ‘bloom’ on the voice, lovely top notes.
DANNY – Husky tone, in charge of his instrument, nice falsetto, pretty strong performance.
ALISON – verse felt too low, chorus was OK, also seemed a bit low, it didn’t bring out her voice in the way I’d wish. A couple pitchy spots, after the key change it started to work. She has a distinctive sound, but she places her voice so it resonates in the throat and we can’t understand the words.
KRIS – I liked the beginning, I wrote ‘solid vocal’ but at the end I agreed with Randy that it was pitchy here and there.
MATT – Nice tone, swallows the words a bit, bridge a little pitchy/squeaky.
LIL – I was disappointed in the song choice. I use “The Rose” as the first rock ballad for some of my female students who have not yet developed much range. It’s very low and has very little in the way of vocal challenge. I expected Lil to sing something like ‘Goldfinger’. Anyway, I wasn’t sure of the arrangement; it was a bit pitchy, and I agreed with Simon that she’s got to challenge herself vocally if she expects to stay in the competition.
Bottom Three: Anoop, Lil & Matt. Matt got the lowest number of votes but was saved by the judges.
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