ADAM (If I can’t have you) – beautiful phrasing, well-modulated dynamics, excellent tone, heartfelt, wonderfully done, understated elegance and simplicity that shows true spirit and skill.
DANNY (September) – Definitely showed strength and range, good solid vocal, fun performance.
KRIS (She Works Hard for the Money) – Nice bloom on the voice, worked it out in his own style, interesting arrangement, world vibe. Good work.
MATT (Staying Alive) – When I heard the title I wondered how he was going to manage the range. But he delivered, sang a good solid vocal and it was a fun performance.
ALISON (Hot Stuff) – Once again I am impressed with the maturity/depth of Alison’s voice, however, I thought the song, or the arrangement it of it, was blah. She sings in her throat, swallows the words, and has no dynamics in her phrasing. But she is a strong performer.
ANOOP (Dim the Lights) – Anoop has a wonderful tone, beautifully bright, good range, a lovely bloom on the voice. The vocals were strong and secure, but the song sucked.
LIL (I’m Every Woman) – It was fun but I don’t think the song did anything for her.
I think Lil & Anoop will go home.
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