Interesting choice of a Mentor for the contestants this week. I thought the music itself was well-played and the arrangements were good. I am losing interest in hearing the judging panel. Four is too many. It would be more effective to have three judges who have more time to give longer critiques to help the singers (and the public) understand what they need to work on. As a voice teacher and composer, etc., feedback from those more experienced than I is a crucial part of my growth. I’d like to hear more notes on singing and performance, and less “you’re the bomb, dog,” “that’s artistry,” “you look great tonight,” “that was boring.” That IS boring.
ADAM (Whole Lotta Love) – right in his element, couldn’t take my eyes (or ears) off of him. Vocally powerful, strong and resilient, good depth, bright tone, great range, I understood every word.
ALISON (Crybaby) – Didn’t get all the words. Some of the notes seemed too low and we lost her, the last note was very nice and showed bloom on the voice. The performance was solid but the song didn’t thrill me.
Duet: KRIS / DANNY – Renegade. Well done, showed Danny’s voice is stronger and has more range, Kris was good but Danny overshadowed him, great combination and fab harmonies.
KRIS (Come Together) – I think Kris was out of his element this evening. I like him, I think he has his own style, but this sort of music doesn’t suit him. I think he’s a good singer, but in terms of vocal “presence”, he’s the weakest of the four. In terms of appeal and performance, I think he’s a top contender.
DANNY (Dream On) – I really appreciate Danny’s vocal chops, but as a voice teacher I have grave concerns. When he went into falsetto near the end, it sounded strained and weak, and the scream at the end made me shudder. Vocal damage 101: screaming, Danny, is the quickest way to node city. You have talent, you have a great voice, it’s unfortunate that you are up against Adam, or you’d have a shot at the title. I think this song was a big mistake, vocally as well as in performance. Not only for this particular show, but at this point, only three weeks from the final, to push your voice in such an unhealthy manner could affect the ability to perform for the rest of the season, assuming the public gives you the chance.
I’d suggest resting the voice for a couple of days. No talking, no singing.Duet: ALLISON / DANNY – well matched. I thought this song suited Allison better than her solo did. Strong performances from both.
My take? Vocally, Kris is the weakest. Danny might be in trouble. I’m not over the moon about Allison’s solo performance. They each have their fans… most likely Kris will go home.